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The Precooler.

Survival of strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and blackberry.

Avril  2023
The key to success for the survival of strawberries is proper cooling during their supply chain. This is especially important for delicate fruits such as strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. If the cold chain is not properly cared for, significant losses can occur.

It is crucial that fruits are stored in pre-coolers when necessary and that the cold chain is maintained at all times to prevent spoilage. Strawberries, in particular, are delicate fruits that need to be kept at a temperature between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of 90-95% or higher.

The marketability of strawberries depends to a large extent on the temperature conditions to which they are subjected during the supply chain. Therefore, it is vital to take care of the temperature during the whole process to avoid spoilage and loss of fruit.

The construction and maintenance of adequate pre-coolers, with efficient control mechanisms and materials, is essential to guarantee the proper storage and preservation of strawberries. In addition, this helps to reduce the overpricing of the product when strawberries are not in season and allows for longer storage periods.

The design of pre-coolers for strawberry storage should be made considering the particular needs of the project, including receiving of goods, storage and handling of products, and display of products. The selection of refrigeration equipment and accessories is as important as the right sizing and choice of materials.

At Frigopack we offer quality construction solutions for building precoolers - contact us for more information!

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