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Hydrocooling, an ideal system for ensuring cherry quality

December From 2019

Under the Maxwell brand, Frigopack manufactures refrigeration equipment which lowers the temperature of the fruit in just a few minutes.


Alejandro Fernández is the engineer running the development department at Frigopack, a company from Zamora which manufactures and sells refrigeration equipment at industrial level.In addition, they also offer customized engineering services, depending on the specific needs of each customer.The articles they manufacture include a range of hydrocoolers, machines offering several advantages for the agricultural sector.

What is the hydrocooling system about?

It is a cold-water shower system used for agricultural products after harvesting.The machine equipment can take several pallets loaded with cherries, for example, and in just a few minutes, using a water sprinkler mechanism at 0-0.5 degrees, the fruit is brought to a suitable temperature for storage in cold rooms.

What sector is this product aimed at?

It’s a good investment for any producer or intermediary working in the agricultural sector.It’s especially recommended for stone fruits, such as cherries, but it can also be used for vegetables, such as cabbages, carrots, or asparagus ...

Currently, we have pieces of equipment which can take two pallets per immersion and four per shower, but we are going to launch a smaller range for producers with less harvest volume, where a single pallet can be inserted.In addition, we are open to receiving user proposals to try to give them a solution.

What are the benefits of using this system?

To begin with, the workload that cold rooms normally have to do when products are introduced at room temperature becomes a thing of the past.If for example, you put 20 tons of freshly picked cherries in, the chamber usually takes several hours to bring the cherry down to a suitable temperature.In addition, you can slow down the ripening process of the fruit much faster, as in just a few minutes it will be a much fresher product, with a longer shelf life and a crisper texture.Ultimately, it will be of higher quality. And if the fruit shop or supermarket receiving this product confirms its superior quality, it will continue to buy from the same supplier.This is an investment in efficiency, durability and product quality.

What differentiates your equipment from other hydrocoolers?

The water-cooling system.We have a submerged exchanger in the water, which allows the water which comes into contact with the plates to freeze, accumulating ice.As long as you have ice and water, you can make sure that the water won't rise above 0.3 degrees until the ice has completely melted.

What benefit does this have?

For those with limited energy sources, or who use a lot of energy at certain peak hours, can choose not to use it at that time.As it is programmable, they might prefer to use it at night and stock up on ice, and the next day they can draw on that ice.The energy expenditure is thus done at night when electricity tends to be much cheaper.

Is it being used already?

Yes, we have a few already up and running, in the south of France, and in Badajoz, and there are two in the Jerte valley ...And their owners are pleased.This system works really well, it’s simple and effective, and extremely competitively priced.

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