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CWE HWE 021 Water Chiller and Heat Pump

CWE HWE 021 Water Chiller and Heat Pump Vista Lateral Vista Posterior Vista Superior Vista Interior
CWE HWE 021 Water Chiller and Heat Pump Vista Lateral Vista Posterior Vista Superior Vista Interior
Reference: CWE HWE 021
Cooling capacity: 19.68 kW.
Refrigerant circuit:

*Scroll compressors designed for R410A;
*Evaporator made of welded AISI 316 Stainless-steel sheet,  copper and aluminum condensers.
*Filter dryer.
*Flow viewer with humidity indicator.
*External equalization thermostatic expansion valve that regulates the injection of liquid refrigerant into the evaporator. Injection is a response to overheating of the coolant. The range of thermostatic valves we use are designed for specific applications and are connected to the circuit by bi-metal brazing;
*High pressure switch with manual reset.
*Low pressure transducer with semi-automatic reset.
*High and low pressure gauges.
*Pressure connections for revisions and maintenance.

Hydraulic circuit:

The hydraulic circuit consists of an internal evaporator and pipes. It has a differential pressure monostat that protects the evaporator in case there is no water flow.

Características CWE HWE series

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